Take this quiz: What do you know about phishing?

If you have an email address, you probably have heard about phishing. But how much do you actually know – and do you know enough to keep your information secure?

There are people who want access to your personal information and they will do just about anything to get it, but you can protect yourself if you know a little bit about scams – and phishing.

Take this quiz and see how much you know about phishing.

Your bank will send you an email asking you to verify your password or account information. True or false?

ANSWER: False. No reputable bank or financial institution will call you and ask you to freely handover your account information. If there is an issue with your account, you might get a message, but you can independently verify the issue – without handing over your password. Phishing emails can look pretty real though, so if you get one that seems suspicious, definitely call your bank (or cell phone provider, credit card company etc.) and verify it.

A good spam filter will catch all phishing scams. True or false?

ANSWER: False. While having a solid system in place to detect viruses, malware and phishing scams is a great idea, you can’t catch them all. The fact is, hackers are always getting better at defeating the barriers we throw up, so learning to look critically at your emails and proceed with caution is key.

Multi-factor authentication can prevent hackers from logging into my accounts if I accidently fall victim to a phishing scam. True or false?

ANSWER: True. One of the best ways to protect your valuable data is to enable multi-factor authentication (MFA for short) on your devices and accounts. MFA means even if someone gets your user name and password, a code is sent to a trusted device before a login is possible.

That makes it more challenging for a hacker to get in to your accounts.

AccuNet Inc.

If you have questions about protecting your data against phishing scams, we can help. Contact us today!

2023-01-24T13:08:46-05:00 August 8, 2022 |
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